The clients of H-Town Takeover

H-Town Takeover

Houston Property Guys

Looking to expand beyond the real estate market and establish his firm as one of the most influential in Houston, CEO of Houston Property Guys (HPG), Rohail Ullah, turned to Arresting Motion for help.

The result was the birth of a new company—complete with a brand new logo, a new visual identity, a YouTube mini-series, and social media marketing campaigns.

Case Study Details
Arresting MotionArresting Motion
Creative Director
Jerzy CarranzaJerzy Carranza
Scope of Project
Brand Strategy
Scope of Project
Visual Identity Design
Scope of Project
Style Guide / Brand Manual
Scope of Project
Video Production
Scope of Project
Social Media Content

Case Study Coming Soon

Case study coming soon.

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Client CEO
Rohail UllahRohail Ullah
Production Company
Arresting MotionArresting Motion
Brand Strategist
Jerzy CarranzaJerzy Carranza
Cult CatCult Cat
Identity Designers
Ioana Balcan, Ioana Balcan,
Identity Designers
Mircea Balcan, Mircea Balcan,
Identity Designers
Alina GhervaseAlina Ghervase
Jerzy CarranzaJerzy Carranza
Rohail UllahRohail Ullah
Chris NyeChris Nye
Eric DuronEric Duron
Production Assistants
Andrew Barrett, Andrew Barrett,
Production Assistants
Joseph MedinaJoseph Medina
Social Media Management
Ekte MediaEkte Media
Social Media Strategist
Linda HafstadLinda Hafstad